The Bellevue Community Band


The Bellevue Community Band (BCB) is a 70+ member adult wind band with membership drawn from the greater Seattle metropolitan area. David Pitt is our Conductor and Artistic Director, continuing the group’s rich history of musical excellence.

We provide an outlet for instrumental musicians of all backgrounds who wish to continue playing and performing music. The band performs year-round for the public and at special events. We are an all-volunteer ensemble and a registered non-profit organization. 

Contact us at with questions about membership, performances, or anything else on your mind!



Our History


Bellevue Community Band was founded in 1962 and led for forty years by the late Bob Duvall. Bob taught in the Bellevue School District, directed the Bellevue Community Band and Olympia’s American Legion Band, and was administrator and associate conductor of the Birch Bay Band Workshop. He served on the Board of Directors for the National Band Association as Elementary & Junior High representative and as the Northwest Chairman in 1982, receiving their “Citation of Excellence” for his work with school and community bands. He was the founding president of the Washington State Association of Community Bands and served as its president until 2000. Bob was elected to the Northwest Bandmasters Association, served as Trustee for the Windjammers, and was inducted into the Washington Music Educators Association Hall of Fame in 1998. It is with the greatest affection, pride, and gratitude that he is remembered by the fortunate people who knew him.